Library Management System

Trusted by 2,000+ repair stores around the globe!

Best solution to develop an online book portal with more than 100,000 books and that allows customers to place an order for a copy of the available books…

Library Management System is carefully developed for easy management of any type of library. It’s actually a virtual version of a real library. It’s a web based system where you can manage books of different categories, manage members of different types and manage issue/return of books easily.

Issuing a book to a member is just a matter of a click. There are configurations for day limit to keep a book, managing fine system and managing lost books.

LMS will be an efficient and intelligent companion for managing your library and;

  • Search on geographic location data using geo spatial search •
  • Portal provides distributed search and index replication through Solr
  • Result Grouping / Field Collapsing a group of results
  • Features like Powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering and database integration
  • Solr indexed data from/using rich document like Word, PDF, RTF, XML etc.
  • Apache Solr search server (Lucene project) ,Linux/Windows server, Java and servlet container, Relational database system (MSSQL, MySql, Postgres, Oracle.)

Member Panel:

  • View circulation history
  • Read e-book online (if available)
  • Change password


  • Books page
  • Contact page

Built-In Support for 12 Languages & Notification/ Alert System

Notify delayed members with E-Mail or SMS.

Admin Panel:

  • Dashboard (graphical report of recent activities)
  • General settings (system customization)
  • Notify members by SMS or Email (several SMS and Email API integration)
  • Member management (member types and members)
  • Book management (multiple authors & categories )
  • Circulation management (circulation settings and issue & return books to/from members)
  • Online read facility (PDF)
  • Import Bulk Books, Categories, Authors with CSV
  • Books, Categories, Authors Export facility (PDF, Excel)
  • Auto Catalog by ISBN (automatically get details from GOOGLE API)
  • Multilingual (12 Languages)
  • Advanced Barcode/Label Printer
  • RTL Support & much more

Quick Installation Guide

  1. Download .zip package
  2. Upload it to your server
  3. Extract the package
  4. Run the uploaded url via browser (EXAMPLE.COM/LMS/INSTALL). Here you have to provide the settings for LMS:
    • Hostname : database host name / IP
    • Database Name : create a mysql database for LMS on your host and write that name here
    • Database username  : username of the created database (if applicable)
    • Database password : password of the created database