Electrical Accessories Web-shop

To develop a web shop that showcases a range of different electrical accessories used in home, daily living, Caravan and camping.



  • Catalog browsing
  • Product browsing
  • Cart, Checkout, Payment and Shipping
  • Mobile / Tablet friendly
  • Mail chimp newsletter with double opt-in status
  • Seller account to sell their products
  • Integrated Package 2 tier Advocate Commission
  • Warranty Registration and Claim System
  • CDN integration – to accelerate website
  • web POS for one page check out in admin
  • Various custom Reports
  • MDN ERP system – complete ERP solution
  • Abandoned Carts Recovery


  • Magento eCommerce 1.8.1 ,PHP 5.2, HTML5,CSS, JavaScript ,MySQL 5.2